
Simple comic book background
Simple comic book background

simple comic book background

This is also a fairly useful thing for many comics artists for several other reasons too – namely for time reasons, consistency reasons and because it can place more emphasis on the characters and/or dialogue. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t practice new things (although it’s probably best to practice outside your comics or by just doing ordinary drawings rather than comics) or stretch yourself by drawing more complicated backgrounds every now and then – but until you have at least a sense of what does and doesn’t work, then it can be best to make sure that most of the backgrounds in your comics are reasonably simple. Although this might sound counter-intuitive, a consistent (but simpler) background often looks more “professional” than a more complicated background which changes a lot between panels and confuses the reader.


If you’re just starting out with making comics (whether they’re webcomics or “graphic novel”-style comics) or, like me, you’re still learning how to make them, then it’s often better to mostly draw simple backgrounds most of the time. Even if it’s just a blank panel with a line across it to represent the corner of a room or the horizon or even just nothing, every comic has a background of some kind or other.

Simple comic book background